Understanding Prayer

I want my kids to understand prayer.

On one hand that is laughable.  Will anyone ever know all there is to know about prayer?  Communion with God is mysterious.  Lingering in the presence of someone I cannot see, smell, taste, touch, or hear is difficult to wrap my mind around.  If we don’t fully understand prayer how in the world will our kids?

It really isn’t so far-fetched, though. We don’t have to fully understand something in order for it to change us.  My kids understand I love them.  They know I will provide for them, protect them, nurture them, listen to them, and even discipline them.  They don’t understand love like I do, but they understand it enough to believe it!  I think it is possible for our kids to understand the basics of prayer and act on them.  I want my kids to understand three things about prayer: one simple definition and two truths.


Prayer is talking to God.  That’s not ALL that prayer is, but it is no LESS than that.  Relationships are built on communication.  My wife wants me to talk to her.  She loves hearing what I am thinking, feeling, fearing, and hoping.  I think she gets that from God.  He wants the same.  Sure, He already knows it, but He loves when we talk to Him.  God wants our children to talk to Him about everything.  He wants them to tell Him when they are afraid of the dark and when they have courage to climb the tree; when they have lied and when they have shared their Legos; ask Him for friends and thank Him for family; cry to Him when they hurt and laugh with Him when they are silly.  There is nothing God doesn’t want to hear about.

Truth 1: God listens because of Jesus

God listens to our prayers because Jesus takes them to God.  “In Jesus’ name … Amen,” is not a tagline at the end of a prayer.  They aren’t magic words.  It is the way prayer gets to the Father.  We don’t get to pray because we’ve been good; we get to pray because Jesus is perfect and delivers our prayers for us.  “He always lives to intercede for them.” – Hebrews 7:25.  God hears because Jesus talks.

Truth 2: Prayer is powerful

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16.  Archie Parish said, “When we work, we work.  When we pray, God works.”  Do I want God to take away my fear, comfort my pain, heal my body, cleanse my conscience, provide my friends, and help in school?  Or do I want to rely on my efforts to get it done?  When His people prayed, God parted the Red Sea, stopped the sun, tore down Jericho’s walls, raised a boy from the dead, lit up a water soaked altar, restored sight to the blind, multiplied food, gave people faith, and hundreds of other amazing things.

Teach your kids these simple truths by praying in front of them.

Thank God for the beautiful day on the 14th fairway.  Ask Him to protect you when pulling onto I-85.  Tell Him you really need milk and eggs at Publix.  Ask Him to teach you before you exit the car for the sanctuary.  Laugh and thank Him out loud in the kitchen when your son gets ice cream on his nose.  Cry and plead for mercy at the hospital when Grandma goes in for surgery.  Bless the Lord in the living room because He is who He says He is.  Our kids will hear that.

Do you want your kids to understand prayer too?  Start praying to the Lord out loud, in front of them.

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